Ringing in a dream is most often a harbinger that you will stop paying attention to everything you cannot control in life, as well as to all those who are not ready to make life changes. A dream about ringing can also testify to unexpected news that will arrive soon. In another meaning, it is also a sign that is supposed to draw the dreaming person's attention to a specific aspect of their life.

What does a dream about ringing a church bell tower mean?
Church bells in a dream basically foretell numerous changes. They symbolize the beginning and movement. In some situations, they can also be a harbinger of good news, which usually comes unexpectedly in life.
Ringing of many bells
When you dream that you hear the simultaneous ringing of many bells, then it is a harbinger of spiritual change on many planes of your life. Such a dream may also foretell a change in the current lifestyle. You will start to gradually eliminate everything that destroys the quality of your life and then build the state you expect.
Short ringing
When in a dream you hear a short ring, it is a sign that you should consider the issue of accepting a recently received offer regarding your future. You should not miss the chance given to you just because you are afraid of changes. Your future may turn out to be more beautiful only when you become more courageous in life.
Repeated ringing
A dream in which you hear repeated ringing means that you need more strength, patience, and courage in life to achieve the goals you set for yourself. You can't lose motivation or give up at the beginning of the started path, because the finale may turn out to be better than it might seem. If in your dream you hear the ringing of a church bell, then this is a sign of danger and unnecessary engagement in risky businesses.
Calling someone
A dream in which you call someone is a harbinger of fighting for a better financial future or staying afloat to provide your loved ones with the basics of life. Such a dream may also testify to the neglect of the spiritual side of your own personality. Eventually, however, you will realize that there are many more important things in your life than just material happiness.
Ringing for some occasion
When you dream that you hear ringing due to important circumstances or events e.g. a holiday, it should be a warning for you not to miss important family events due to work obligations. When you dream about church bells announcing the beginning or end of a service, it means that you will neglect the spiritual side of your personality. If you dream about church bells announcing a holiday, it means that due to work obligations you will miss an important family event. If the ringing announces a funeral, then it may symbolize the end of a certain chapter in your life and the start of a new one.
What is the meaning of a dream about ringing, which we can present from the mystical dream book?
According to the dream book, ringing is an expression of readiness for unexpected events that may appear in life. If you suddenly stop hearing the ringing, it is a harbinger of lost opportunities.